Ah,nice nice nice.
Today was quite a day.
Um,as i am typing here,i am playing games on Facebook.Haha~
Yes,today's the start of my holiday...
But then i don't think i'm really enjoying the holiday like what i wanted.
I wanted to slack~
But it seems i don't think i can afford to do that.
Too many stuff's up on the holiday.
Well,true it will be wholesome andd fun and stuff.
But you know,it is two different things compared with enjoying it or not.
Too busy,i might not have the time to relax and all.
And i can see,i need rest as much as i need fun.
How? How can i maximise my rest time?
And the whole of today,i kept thinking about alot of things.
I wonder,is being too kind something wrong?
Which is my true nature? The wicked and cruel me? Or the kind me which i like alot?
It made me kinda depressed somehow.
And i guess i am kinda in a bad mood just now as well.
But then,i went to play Para Para.
And felt much better now.
Guess i am easily-contented.
But anyways,i think,i should not be worrying about my nature.
It is something that i can't control,i guess.
Just went to Orchard area this noon.
Without any surprise,i dropped by Dollz Inc.
Kiss Me True and Love And More is in stores now.
Man..... Kiss Me True is so pretty~

She is like, Kathy in Alison's Make-up with Cappucino Chat's hair and lipstick.
Totally awesome.Hahaha~
But yea,she's about S$250. Pretty pricey indeed.
And poor old me,unable to afford her.
Aww well,i think Kathy and Alison is enough for me.Hahaha~
And also,i saw on Ebay.
Cousin Olivia at S$320.
It's great.It's a great deal somehow.
Considering the fact that she is the same generation as Kathy.
Man.... I want her.I want her for my Misa custom~
And if you forgot how she look like

I'm back into playing Yu-gi-oh as well as pokemon.
Brings back alot of memories.
Pretty nostalgic when i play them.
I miss the simplicity of being a kid again.
But seems like no-one's playing them already =/
Ok,i know.You must be thinking that i am being childish and all.
But,i just miss it.I miss the feeling.
You get me?
Ok guys,gotta go bath now.Bye~