hey hey all~ Ah,so how's the past Valentines to all? Gee,well,went out to Orchard yesterday.Then to Vivo.Nice~ Well,with family and...... Kathy + Piccadilly. Ahahaz.Nice,overall.Well,except everywhere got the fresh fresh smell,caused by flowers (i dislike the smell since young though i'm not allergic) Well,can say,most part of the outing,i took pics of Kathy.Rarely Piccadilly.My sis n i kinda' neglected her XP Well so,these are the few pics we took throughout the outing Kathy's looking at the fish tank
Kathy on the journey to Vivo
Kathy and Piccadilly(at last)
Ok lahz,gotta go now.Buh Byes.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Hey all~ Ah It seems,quite much was done today.Kinda' felt the sense of achievement done there.Ahahahaz. Well,sis didn't go school today. So practically,it seems very weekend to me.But then,i still work hard for my houseworks and stuff. Ah,so,the main stuff i've done for today was... bathing for Pierre. Wow! It's been like 2 weeks since he has last bathed,smelly fellow.... Well,guess i'll skip the part on how i bathed him(coz' it's pretty easy) Well,the hard part was trying to dry him.he just tries his best to aviod contact with the dryer. Squeeze his body outta' the way,trying to escape,silly fellow.... So,usually i'd spent like hours trying to dry him,sounds stupid,but it's hard,no joke. But now,after all the efforts have been put in,the results came out, Now he looks cuter,cleaner and fresher,isn't it? ^^ No need a haircut,like what Ray has said previously XD Ah,gotta' go now.Buh Byes~
Sunday, February 08, 2009
Hey all~ Ah,finally.After days,KaTHy is back~ Ahahahaz.And also at the same time,we got Friendly Freckles.Well,we named her Haruka. Ah,And And And....I've got a new phone now.....Ahahaz. Man....It's like nice.Earlier on,i took some pics,tryin' out my new phone's camera functions.And it seems things went out great.Ahahahaz.
New color: Blue(or was it purple? I can't tell...) New color: Brown New color: Smoky Quartz (My personal favorite) KaTHy's new style Piccadilly's new style Newcomer,Haruka Ahahaz,finally,all three together =)
Ah~,guess today's post's like pretty short huh?Mmmm,aw well.At least this has the most pics since last time.Isn't it? Ah,gotta' go now...But before that,good luck to Huixuan for her 'tide' of tests. Ok now,buh byes~
Thursday, February 05, 2009
Ah.Today's...fun~ Well,went for Burger King's interview.Maybe working there.But i scared i cannot commit.In a sense,don't wanna' make a lie.If i can,i will go all the way.So ya. Then in the noon,Ray and Ah Xian went to my house.Chill awhile,then go to Ray's house to chill chill.It's like then,then i realised something.The game they played,Left for Dead,is fun.Hahahaz.But it seems,for people like me,those who doesn't have any single strategy in mind type,it'll be an awfully hard game to play.Ahahahaz. At night,we go Pizza Hut makan makan.Ok lahz,i guess i ordered the wrong thing.I want the baked rice with white sauce, abit like alfredo or carbonara,those cheesy type.So thinking it might be orleans,since it is something i am not familiar with out of the options,i chose it.And it proves to be not the one i want.Hahahaz.Aw well,at least,i know what i want the next time =D Man....KaTHy's still not ok yet.But aw well,good thing's worth the wait =D Then,i have also choosen a new type of wear for her,even though she will be wearing the same tee.please do look forward for her next style ;D While surfing the net,i saw this 2 vids by random chance,
kisshug piano ver (jazz style)
kisshug piano ver
I really like both.I like the song itself.But then,all the files i found,they seems to be too soft for me.So it's kinda' like a bummer for me,you see.I like the singer,aiko as well.She's real good.Somehow,one of the top 3 of my favorite female singers.In a sense,i feel like getting that single,but it's so ex.....What to do?Japan-imported mahz..... X( But really,if you guys got the chance(and time),do try out her songs,it's real good =)
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
Hey all~ Ah,day 2 since KaTHy's out.Don't know hows the progress of the customisation. Well,it'll turn out good,i'm sure =D Ah~,looking forward to collecting her.Ahahaz...
Dolls (live) - Janne Da Arc Ok,this isn't quite a new song.But then,it's one of my favorites from Janne Da Arc.Like the lyrics as well,so do try the lyrics somehow.Hahaz.By the way,do you know,the lead singer for Janne Da Arc is Acid Black Cherry.Didn't know bout' it till' quite a while ago.I like his voice,it's like very high,making most his songs hard to sing,at least to me XP
Then quite a while ago,i found this,
It was on the official site for Blythe.Well,she's cute.But then,seems to be like more expensive then Friendly Freckles.Well,afterall,she's a collabo productions with Top Shop what...Know what i mean.It seems,sis gonna' pre-order her lehz....
Ok lahz,gotta' go now,gotta help Pierre put medicine liaoz..Buh byes....
Monday, February 02, 2009
Hey all~ Past weekend,i was trying out,doing KaTHy some beauty customisation,changing her eye chip. Well,unfortunately,i failed T_T & worst still,her eye chip fell into her head cavity =( Ah,so just now,brought her to Dollz Inc. and had her some customisation.I think i kinda went there too much,scared i become a lil' annoying.Heeez. Anyways,so she's still there,halfway of her 'beauty make over'.Guess she'll be cooler wif her new eye colors.You think?And pretty nice eyelashes =D
I don't know.At times,i think,i neglected Piccadilly since the arrival of KaTHy somehow.Gee,feel so bad.Ahahahaz.Man....Well,i wonder,when Autumn(newbie Friendly Freckles' name) arrives,will Piccadilly be further neglected....Guess i'll have to take care both KaTHy and Piccadilly if that happens,huh?Ahahaz...
I don't know bout' it.But,i think i wanna' get myself a Bow Wow Trad and Prima Dolly Ashletina.Well,both are really really nice.As in,it seems,Bow Wow can make Enma Ai somehow(with red eyes).And Ashletina's real real sweet.Really.You've gotta' see them,really. Actually,previously,way before i had KaTHy,i've always wanted a Princess A la mode.But then,she's really outta' the league.As in,she's priced at least 3 time of regular dolls.And that's like crazy.Really envy those who had her.But well,not as bad as sis' case.She wanted Ultimate Tour.She almost got it.Real close(damn close).But didn't.And that time it was like half the price of now what she was...If only....Haiz.....