Ah It seems,quite much was done today.Kinda' felt the sense of achievement done there.Ahahahaz.
Well,sis didn't go school today. So practically,it seems very weekend to me.But then,i still work hard for my houseworks and stuff.
Ah,so,the main stuff i've done for today was... bathing for Pierre.
Wow! It's been like 2 weeks since he has last bathed,smelly fellow....
Well,guess i'll skip the part on how i bathed him(coz' it's pretty easy)
Well,the hard part was trying to dry him.he just tries his best to aviod contact with the dryer.
Squeeze his body outta' the way,trying to escape,silly fellow....
So,usually i'd spent like hours trying to dry him,sounds stupid,but it's hard,no joke.
No need a haircut,like what Ray has said previously XD
Ah,gotta' go now.Buh Byes~
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