Today's an average slacker's day at home.
Nothing much's done except for tables being packed (then again,it's a great achievement =D)
Ah,this morning.
Sis made pancakes.
Ah~ If only i can be as half as talented in cooking as she is... (T^T)
And Pierre's looking at me like XD
Bah,and nowadays,i find that i have practically not much reason to go online.
Perhaps nowadays,it's like going online for the sake of doing so.
Bah..... And chatting with friends online.
But even so.....
Ah,read the thread 'girls really attracted to rich guys?' just now.
Man.... I'm really demoralised.
What if it's really true that girls like rich guys more?
Then,it'd really be very hard for me to find my 'her' right?
Nooooooo~ (OAO)
Because i have nothing.
No money,no looks,and perhaps more-boring-than-average personality.
Noooooooooooo~ (OAO)
And perhaps what i have is only my weirdness and Kathy and Alison.
And nothing more (T^T) *sob sob*
Aww well,it's hard to find someone that can bear with my weirdness anyways.
I'll wait and prepare for my 'her'.
That time will come right?
Still suffering from a lil groggy-ness from my weird dream in my noon nap.
Dreamt of going Sentosa.Can't remember with who (but a girl,i remember).
We went to some part of Sentosa whereby we met this handsome vampire guy (resembles of Count Dracula in Van Helsing... No,not Twilight.Man,i jus don't get the hype.... =_=)
We left but promised to return.Yet we didn't.
Or something like that.
It was pretty silly when thinking back =_=
Must've seen too much of this halloween event thing in Universal Florida (=_=)
But it seems damn fun.I wonder is there any in Sentosa's Universal Studio Theme Park... =/
Bah.Gotta go bath now.
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