Ah,didn't had the mood for the past few days.
Well,for some reason,i've stuck in some things that goes inside my head.
Angry,crossed,pissed.... You name it.
But awww well,i kinda' lost the reason to do so.
So,i'm me now =)
So past days was Chinese New Year.
How was it?
It's good,but well,kinda lack the feel.
Partially,it's directly after UT3,and that some little things.
But well,it's still good =)
I think i'll go by dates,again~
We went to Grandma's house.
Uncle (Mom's Bro),Wai Wai and Kei Kei and his girlfriend was there.
Yep,that day was more of a meeting up.
Nothing much done.
Only went dinner at Parkway Parade.
Oh yes,did i say?
Like always,the consoles Wai Wai brought never cease to amaze me.
This time,he brought an emulator.
And played some GBA games.
This was my fave.
It's funny~
We went out to Orchard to meet Wai Wai.
An outing with him.
Well,can't really call it a bringing him around.
Since he'll visit Orchard every year he's here.
And perhaps he might know more stuff about Orchard more than us =X
Anyway,we met him at ION Orchard.
Proceeded for lunch in Wisma Atria.
Then we got ourselves Mochi in Takashimaya.
Oh yes,while we bought some drinks,we saw this bottled drinks.
Oh yes,then we bought the mochi.
Guess whose who's ;D
Oh yes,since we ordered a box,they gave us a package with dried ice.
We played~ XDD
And i must say,Orchard is really one of the best place to do so.
And during the evening,Kei Kei and his girlfriend joined us.
We had dinner at Fish & Co.
Not bad.Love the ambience there.
That was influenced by both Wai Wai and Kei Kei.
So there you have it.
And,after that,we went for desserts at Plaza Singapura.
Ray and Ah Xian came over.
Hahahaha~ Played Black Jack.
Went for Japanese hotpot Shabu Shabu today.
Man.... And if the place allows camera to be taken,
I would have taken alot of pictures (openly) for today's post.
Man.... =/
But there was chandeliers,western windows,autumn 'trees',and stuff.
Here's some i(or rather,Sis) took (secretly).
Wanna hear something better?
The waitresses are in maid-fuku.
Wahahha. Nice eh? XDD
But i still wanna go Cosafe Maids Cafe.
It's must~~~ (0^0)
Ah,gonna go bath now.
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