Ah,two days past after school reopened.
Not that bad.
Made a few friends.
And you know what?
There's really a few 'dopplegangers'.
They really look like friends i have seen before.
There was one classmate who look like Alicia (yes,from W47M)
as well as one who look like Hui Jin (Though i know it's not her).
Anyways,i think i have met some good people.
They seems to be good friends as well.
But um,ever since after the incident earlier this year,i find it a little harder to find confidence to trust newly-made friends.Kind'a sad huh?
Aww well,hope that they aren't asses who will turn their backs on you la.Hope so la.
Ah,back from home after work.
So it's kinda tiring somehow.
But aww well.
Went to the arcade with Jun Yao afterwork.
Yea,felt pretty guilty for the fact i've wasted $7,when it can be used for a meal.
But at least i got a grade up in Jubeat and passed 'Ijiwaru Na Anata' =)
Anyways,yesterday,i borrowed this book.
Anyways,i personally think it's a treasure trove of martial arts.
Why? No,it's not that it's some coveted martial arts manual or anything,but rather,it has most of the names of the martial arts around the world.
Yes,including those that are not so popular to common folks,e.g. Bokator.
But well,i've known most quite sometime ago.Afterall,i'm a martial arts otaku,it seem -_-
And i've bought this yesterday as well
These are the genres i wanted quite alot.
Well,the only that is missing are Bossa Nova and House.
Anyways,tried two discs of six discs so far,listening to the second disc.
It's pretty great,relaxing.Absolutely recommended for chill-out and stuff.
Ah,and Mom got me a new fan as well as new facial cleanser.
Having hot nights isn't very good for me,especially when school has started.
I can't have nights that i can't fall asleep,and going school the next day as a zombie,right?
So yes,having a new fan is kinda great,but feeling bad about it as well =/
And,Mom got me this as my new cleanser
She says that it's good,so she got me this,hoping that it might help my skin to be better.
It's so nice.But um,it makes me feel more bad =/
Anyways,it feel refreshing,and my skin still feels so clean now.
Hope it really works good on me.
Ah,guys guys guys~
I'm so tired.
But i wanna chill out,read manga and stuff.
How how how?
What should i do?
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