But i think i missed it.
Tsk =/
Well,it seems there's this 11.11 hype going on,is it?
Heard wish comes true,something like wishing upon a shooting star.
I just find it interesting,that's all.
Anyways,i must say,i had a blastin' weekend.
With Vibes 2010 and AFA X back to back,it's really eventful.
So eventful that i fell sick.Pffft..
Sore throat,cough,and slight symptoms of flu.
You guys out there,must take care ok?
The bug's all around.
Anyways,AFA was quite ok actually.
But to the boring side actually,if not for all of my friends there.
Cosplayers and best buddies and all.
You guys are the one who made AFA X more of a fun-er event.Lovely =)
Otherwise,in my honest opinion,i think i lost the feel of going to AFA or such events already.
It's either that it wasn't as fun as how it used to be,or that i have grown out of the whole thing.
Either ways,if i could feedback,most probably the organisers should really take down notes for improvements.
It is a great event,but standard is deteoriating,that's not good.
But coming back to cosplayers,i must say that the standard did improve compared to past 2 years.
Well,but of course,the number of not-so-good cosplayers did increase as well.
A clear indication of increase in number of posers.Haha~
Anyways,as i have mentioned just now,there is alot of good cosplayers i have seen on that event.
And as always,Luna remained my favorite.
I'm a big fan of her,honest =D
And there are a few great cosplayers too.
Ah,and in case you are wondering,yes,the last one is the boss of Haru.
She's really pretty i must admit =)
Out of the whole exhibtion,i guess the one that made me happy was both the stall with dolls and hall 404 (the cosplayer's hideout).Haha~
The stall with dolls is really great.
They are really loved by their dad/mom.
We even saw Danny Choo's Mirai chan.Pretty lady =)
Well,and we wanted to go into Moe Moe Kyun maids cafe to dine actually.
But the line was close off,so we missed another chance to eat in there.
Pffft,better luck next year? =/
Ah,but i am kinda looking forward to STGCC 2010 though.
I want to look at the finalist for Blythe Beauty Contest 2010.
Now that i have better camera,i can take better pictures now,right? =)
Well,if they're gonna be back here again,like last year.Haha~
Ok guys,i'll stop here.
Going for a night bath,
Yes i know,it's bad and all.
But...It's enjoyable,right? =)
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