Hey all~
Yesterday's AFA was a blast~
It's freakin' freakin' freakin' fun~
I've enjoyed lots.Really really~
I saw lots of cosplayers and stuff.
No,not that i have not seen so much before,but rather how good they are.
They were quite good.
And i saw a Black Rock Shooter cosplayer.My fave.

But kinda make me miss the Miku Hatsune i saw two years back.She's cute~
There's some pretty daring.Like um,cosplaying as Haruhi bunny suit or as Yoko Littner (Yes,bikini clad)
They sold a big number of merchandises.
And sis bought her first Figma.

Yes,it's that Konata.She's so cute,must admit that.
Also got a Tsumugi plushie/decoration and K-On file.
So nice.
Oh ya,they sold lots of cosplay blades as well.Like those you find in a Bleach cosplay.Bah,should have bought them at half price during late noon yesterday (T_T)

Ah,i didn't go to Moe Moe Kyun (sorry Mandy~ =X )
Well,the ladies there was nice (saw 'cause i peeked in).Really.
Really really pretty ladies.
But i was kinda outta' budget.Yes,i ran outta' dough.
That's also the reason why i didn't buy that sword.
Boo hoo~ (T^T)
Oh ya,i was really really contented yesterday (^_^)
Why? 'cause i helped a friend of Jun Yao,Eugene to style his hair for the cosplay.
It's freakin' cool.And i think i turned out well (double cheers~ (^_^)V! )
I think the thing whch made me enjoy the most was the karaoke of anime songs.
Freakin' fun.
I sang 'God Knows' by Aya Hirano,perhaps for about 4 or 5 times.
Yes,that was my first time going for karaoke.
Sis enjoyed herself as well.She sang the same song as well.
And yes,if you asked me,i'd say that she hold herself very well.
Speaking of which,i was thinking.
She should cosplay as Azusa Nakano from K-On.Or Shana from Shakugan No Shana.
Or Black Rock Shooter.
In anyways,she has this petite frame which makes her suitable for almost all of those small small cute girls,occasionally Tsunderes (well,i think she is XP)
I should've went on Saturday as well.
There were more stuff to buy that day.
Bah,i missed out lots of stuff.
Also missed out on the Regional Cosplay Competition.
And they were freakin' good (well,from what i saw from pictures took from others who went on day 1 (=_=))
So,moral of the story,take offs on weekends(or both days) that has such kind of events.
And the next on list would be EOY 09.Looking forward to that.
Ok now,i shall go.
Perhaps i'll blog later on?