Ah,so today,i am still sick (=_=)
Not very nice,ya?
Hope after tomorrow,i'll get well.
I can't afford to be sick on Sunday.
Coz' it's AFA.
Ah,Ice Rune's final design is out (Quite some while ago actually)

She is cute,right? (^_^)
But her bangs isn't what i have expected.It is slightly curled up.
Got taht kinda retro bangs somehow,which i don't like.
Bah,gotta ask people at Dollz Inc. whether they could make her fringe straight like Kathy's. =/
Ah,hope they can.
Or unless they have a Cousin Olivia.Then i can continue with project Misa Misa.
Yea,the one where i remove the stock make-up on the cheeks (her blush)
Ah,gotta sleep early.
If i wanna get well,that is....
Nite people~
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