So darn tired.
OK,i wanna go sleep now actually.But since i've gotta wait till sis's handphone charges till there's enough for tomorrow's alarm.
So,aww well.....
Ah,so went to buy Pierre's dinner (Yes,run out just all of the sudden..Buh....)
So yes,went to the mall.Bought his food.
And when we went up for just a brief walk.
Guess what i saw?
It's Hangry and Angry hanphone straps and NDS pens.
Freakin' cool.
I was like, 'Wow weeeeeeeeee~' (*_*)
I just bought two of the handphone straps.
I took Hangry ('cause it represents punk,i guess) and Sis took Angry (Lolita).
So there you have it.
So now,i've been listening to this since quite long (?)
Sanctuary - Nami Tamaki
Yes,she's the same vocalist who did 'Brightdown', the second OP for 'D.Gray Man'.
This song is nice.I mean,i liked this song ever since first heard it (Ok,i admitt,this happens almost always)
But hey,this is a really good song,yes no? =D
Ah,ok.Shan't stay any longer.
Night night guys~
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