Ah yes,this is the first entry for the year~
How nice is that?
Before going out for work,
i took pics of the compartment above the cupboard.
That is where we had done some considerable job in arranging yesterday.
And viola~!
It's a Blythe X Figurine land (sort of~)
Take a look there.
Ok,i admit,there's alot of spam pictures of my girls there.
Ah,so i've returned from work at Marina.
It was damn crowded i tell you.
I skipped the underpass.
'cause i don't like squeezing with people.
So i took the alternative back.
I took the Raffles Arcade route XDD
It turned out that there was more scenes worth taken =D
And i was a happy boy XD
Ah yes,here's some random pictures i took while my way to/from work.
Oh yes,and as you know.
Today's the new day.
New year,new day.
So let me sum up what i feel about last year and stuff.
And talk 'bout this year's wishes ok?
Or something like that.
2009 was an eventful year.
In terms of numbers of events i have went,as well as the things that had happened.
And,there was alot of milestones that i have achieved.And was really happy about it.
Let me try to list them out.
-Went to my first Street Fest D'J goth Party. (Always wanted to go since Sec 2 but can never go,and at last~)
-Went the most number of events. (i think?)
-Put blacks on my nails (something i've wanted to do since a long long time)
-Put on eyeliner (ditto)
-Got a girlfriend after 2 years (Yes,though it started and ended not quite what i have expected.)
-Got a doll. (Initially wanted a Dollfie,then a Pullip.But finally a Blythe)
-Spent at least near to S$1000++ just on dolls (Wait wait,with help of other =D)
I think there are more that i might have missed out but yes,these are more of the major ones...
Eventful,isn't it?
Actually,the last one isn't something to be proud of.Made sound like a spendthrift or something.... (=_=)
Anyways,let's talk 'bout the new year now.
Ok,as heard from the superstitious people,next year,
isn't gonna be a good year actually.
So yes,gotta be careful from now on,huh?
So yes,new year oftenly also means,
New Year Resolution,yes? XDD
Ok now.
Lemme see....
-Get a Camera (So that i can get good pictures of my girls)
-Get a new bag (So that i can bring the girls around)
-Get a black acoustic guitar ('cause admit it,it's cool =D)
-Learn how to sing better ('cause some of you guys complain i'm not good enough?)
-Start the Buy-&-Sell investment i was talking about sometime ago (Yes,the one which buys and sells Blythe.I wanna try~)
-Learn how to customise Blythes (Be a good doll-rearer XP)
-Getting a new girl or two (Greed knows no boundary~ Get me Cousin Olivia XDD)
Ok,that should be it.Might have more.But yup,these are the major ones,i think?
There might be a few things you might wanna look out for =D
Keep your eyes peeled~
Ok guys.
Gotta go now.
Buh byes~
And have a great year ahead =)
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