Ah,the blog's going into dead-dom,huh?
I didn't have the feel to blog.
So there you have it.
I'll most probably blog about whatever comes into my mind,how 'bout that?
Ok then,lemme see....
Ah yes,i bought hair gel on Tuesday.
It's been quite some time that i had been using hair gel, now that i am using wax more often.
Have not tried it yet.Awww well.....
Hair gel,most probably for those rather formal event.Where i will most probably gel all up.
Seems to look very old-ish.But aww well.
Next is my two hair wax.
The one in grey is what i use oftenly.Makes that out-of-bed messy hair.
And the one in orange is for those Ryuutaro Arimura-ish hairstyle (Which i have yet to discover the ways to styling it well)
Hahaha.Last but not least,hairspray.It is a must to hold your hairstyles in place.
But all these hurts my hair alot.Which is no good~ (>.<)
Nice eh?
Have been contemplating whether or not to join photography club.
This would mean that i would have alot of commitment to commit.
And make a busy life busier.
Which isn't a good thing.
But,i want to be better at photography.
I want to make it another hobby of mine...
Aww well.....
Ah yes,went Hui Xuan's house this late noon,after school.
Hahaha.So windy,was her house.
Feels so nice~~
I was there to kinda advice on some stuff.About which school to go,and stuffs like that.
And i took this.
But the effect i saw at her side was real real nice.
Can only say,my camera isn't really good.Hahaha~
Ah,and you know,time flies.
So fast,time flies.
It was as if just some time ago,i was slacking before entering Polytechnic.
And before i knew it,it is almost the end of the second semester.
And perhaps,in another blink of an eye,i might have already start my second year.
But man.....
Things happened alright.Alot of things happened.
In these while,i had made new friends, learnt new things,learnt more about life and its treachery.
And learning from those,i see my mistakes as a person.
But seeing it isn't enough,learning from it is.
And yes,i think,i have learnt my lessons well.
And hope history will never repeat itself.
But things happen for a reason,and that we must know that reason,or the very least,learn from it.
I can only say,too much things happened.Hahaha~
Bah,such stuff,always sounds so emo.
Reminiscence always make one emotional huh?
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