Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Hey all~
For so long i didn't post any post.Well,busy.Busy lazing around,that is.
Hols' for this purpose,i guess.And that supplementary's whole 2 weeks of slack time.Somehow i'm happy and crossed 'bout it.Let's say ironic contradiction.
Man....Damn this hols' so bloody short.Gah,man.....
Say,while i was slacking,i thought of the things that have happened.It's fate,i guess.That everything have happened.From me knowing different animes that i'll go crazy about to meeting people i 'll like,people that i care for,go crazy about for,it's fate.Isnt it?
Well,it does spawn regrets though.Thinking that all can fall into Fate's hand.Then doing nothing about it.Ok,i learnt a lesson and paid dearly for it.Anyway,let's not cry over spilled milk.Say,why the hell i suddenly talk 'bout these stuff?Man.....
Ah,don't know when will be the next time posting again....Hmmmm....

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