Friday, August 01, 2008

Hey ya guys~!
Gyah~ Pass week's ..... intense,it seems. Exam practice and stuffs.Kinda' stressed.
Kyah~~ Haven actual already so stress.... =_= How~
Especially on Tues.2 maths paper.Ok lahz,e-math is ok.But when reach a-math,it's hard lahz.After that,i was lik,so tired after reaching home that i went to sleep pretty early,with splitting head ache.
So,just now was the cross country.At last,a year that i can participate in the event.And i walked the whole distance.Kinda' nice.Enjoying scenery.
And after that,we went Sakae,nice lorz.So long no eat Jap cuisine.
Reach home and slept till just now.Kah...Wonder how going to sleep later on...
Ok,officially,i'm now watching Vampire Knight le.Yet haven start on it yet.... (=_=)
Ok,go watch le.Bye~

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