Friday, December 12, 2008

Hey yo all~
Haiz...Previously few days,i've been pretty demoralised and depressed.
Coz' of most unsuccessful stuff i did at work,and the thought of my colleagues being unhappy 'bout that.Maybe due to myself being too sensitive,i think.
So,just a few moment ago,i told myself,not to be depressed,and unhappy bout such stuffs.Coz' it might not exist at all.So,i'm not depressed anymore.Isn't it good? =D
Ok,so,hope everything's gonna' go fine,goes well,and everyone's happy.
Gee,pretty emo i've been huh? Ahahaz...
Mmmm,guess insufficient sleep is also another factor bahz.You think?
Ah,let's not think about such depressing thoughts le.Let's focus on nice things.
Ah,gonna' have a change of phone after the 16th of this month.Yays~!
Mmmm,I want a W902.It's a pretty cool model.With 5.0 megapixel camera,and its walkman function,it's a sweet baby.You think?

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