Thursday, December 04, 2008

Hey hey all~!
Woosh!Today's an off-day.So i did pretty much to rest myself.It felt nice,really.
Got myself some cough medicine.Hopes it works well,so i won't have anymore incessant cough here and there.It's pretty sucky when things like that happens.Don't you think so?
Woa,Beatmania IIDX 16 Empress is out at last (Sweeeeeeet~).There's lots of nice songs in there.One of them would be CaptivAte2~覚醒~.Long awaited,at last.Oh ya,DJ Trooper PS2 version is also out.Should be nice as well.
ah,Code Geass.On Okto.It seems to be a good anime,somehow.With Ali Poject's song as its ending,it shouldn't be bad XD

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