Saturday, November 29, 2008

Hey all.Having sore throat isn't really something fun.
It hurts,it hurts when you speak,hurts when you wanna' eat.
It sucks,really.
Ah,past week can say it's pretty fine,except for this sore throat and me being slow,messing thiings up.
I really hate bringing inconvenience to others.It's just someting in me.
Well,hate it especially when i did something wrong and someone else got scolded instead of me.You could say,take the rap for me? I hate that.I don't like others being scolded for my wrong-doings,and stuff.
I feel bad.I really feel bad for my trainer.For the past week,it seems,he got scolded for the things we've done.I feel bad,really.I mean,he did well,teach me well.But i only caused him to get scolded.I feel really really bad.I'm the worst.....
Hope that by next week,i can get my things do well,so that he do not need to be scolded.

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