Monday, January 05, 2009

Hey ya all~
Ah,Ah Xian's server's not up yet for today.Maybe a lil' while more then.

Nowadays,i think my body's telling me that i shouldn't pig out like how i used to.It seems,my body is getting different.As in,getting sicker?Haiz.....
But whatever lah,as long as i enjoy myself,it should be fine.I mean,the main thing is 'not to regret,what life throws at you'.You know what i mean?Ahahahaz.

Gah ah,oh ya,i didn't manage to put up my new year resolution.But would it be fine?As in,this is the 5th day of the month le.Man....Like i care.
So,New Year Resolution for 2009 is:
-Work hard,Play even harder
-getting used to new environment faster
-Be more ok (in every sense)
-Able to do what i've always wish doing
-Customise a new blythe doll by myself
And more.So many i don't know how to list
Guess it's human to want so many things huh?But will it happen,i'm not sure.But what i'm sure of is that,i will try make it happen.That's me,youcan't change it whether you like it or not.

Guess i rarely touch this blog nowadays huh?Seems like this blog's pretty dead,ya?
Well,it's not hard to imagine why.Being a full-time maid,this and that.Now you know why.Hahahaz.

Ok lah,guess it's time for work now.Drop by sometime else.
Buh bye...

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