Saturday, January 31, 2009

..........Do you believe,if i say,i'm pretty depressed?
Why?You asked.Then,i will answer you with another question.
If the people who you thought would respect your decision the most now doubt and not understand what you are doing now,how would you feel? ......Sad,right?
To a certain extend,i feel useless.I feel,i'm not good enough for anything,or in some case,anyone....A useless bum that's going to end up like someone he detest the most in the whole damn world...You think?
But then it's alright...Guess no one have to understand or believe in what i am doing.As long as i get my job done,get my s**t cleaned up,it's alright,ya?
So,now i don't feel as bad as just now,coz' i realised,people can't always understand you,especially when it concerns their interest on the bad side.Because,more than often or not,humans are selfish.Even i myself am selfish,i admitt.No one's a saint here.
So it's alright,really,sinking myself in depressing songs,my way of drowning my sorrows?
But guess and hope that,after a good night sleep,everything will go back to normal,then i will be laughing,goofing like an idiot,so as to cheer everyone around me up?But it seems,they are forever unhappy about the state they are in now,and the fact that my inability to cheer them up,could perhaps be the reason as to why i am feeling depressed?All i wanted,is just to see everyone being happy,truly happy.Seems like this is so f**king impossible.Especially in a time like this,isn't it?
Ok,maybe at times,i seems to not care about almost everything,but then the problem is,not everything is what it seems.

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