Saturday, November 29, 2008

Hey all.Having sore throat isn't really something fun.
It hurts,it hurts when you speak,hurts when you wanna' eat.
It sucks,really.
Ah,past week can say it's pretty fine,except for this sore throat and me being slow,messing thiings up.
I really hate bringing inconvenience to others.It's just someting in me.
Well,hate it especially when i did something wrong and someone else got scolded instead of me.You could say,take the rap for me? I hate that.I don't like others being scolded for my wrong-doings,and stuff.
I feel bad.I really feel bad for my trainer.For the past week,it seems,he got scolded for the things we've done.I feel bad,really.I mean,he did well,teach me well.But i only caused him to get scolded.I feel really really bad.I'm the worst.....
Hope that by next week,i can get my things do well,so that he do not need to be scolded.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Ah~ At last my computer~ Still got virus =_="
So that explains me not able to online these days.But it seems,i'll be working from now on.So guess only off-days den can really fully use.
It's fun,people there is nice.
Mmm,guess only bad thing is that I won't have much time to accompany my sis =(
But what to do? Correct? Guess i'll have to fully use my off-days to accompany her then.

Scheat - SuG
I like this song.It kinda' remind me of Rinne No Tsumi by An Cafe.To me.Do try that song as well ^^

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Hey all~
Ah,it's the end of exams le,at last.So happy~
Gee,so tomorrow's orientation at Takashimaya,huh?It's kinda' nice i think.
As in,if things go well,i'll be working.So fast,but it's nice somehow.
Ah,can't wait for tomorrow.So many things.Orientation,overnight.
I scared tomorrow's overnight i can't stay awake.Buh...
Hope i won't doze off,hope so.

Konoha - Nightmare
The first time hear this song was on the radio.Kinda' soft for a Visual Kei band song if you ask me.But then,Kousai from Alice Nine was pretty much softer than this.
Well,i like this song,well,that's why i post on this blog.Gee,it's a bummer that i can't find the translation for it though.So what can i do now is only to rely on my limited vocabulary for Japanese and figure out its meaning =(

Monday, November 10, 2008

Woo hoo~ Today's pretty cold,no?
Yay~ 2 more papers to freedom,I suppose.Then can really enjoy.
Play,play and play~~~
But must concentrate now.Only until the last paper.Oh well~
Woa woa,2 days more to the release of Supreme Show,Leech,Orion and Speed's newest single.Cool huh? Then a week after that is More! More! More! and Dream Fighter's release.So cool,so many musics are released after another.

JUMPER - capsule
One of my favorite music group.Somehow,they are one of the people who influence me into this genre of music.Producer Yasutaka Nakata is really genius.Really.Featured in More!More!More!,I'm really looking forward to its release.

Saturday, November 08, 2008

Ahahaz.I'm not yet asleep.Not tired yet.Funny huh?

Sakura hanazaki somenikeri - D
I seriously like this.Honestly.I like the song,i like the way they dress,everything.Cool huh?As in,i really like Asagi's voice.And i also like Tsunchito,the bassist.And his pink kimono =P

Uzu - Kagrra,
Ah yes,this is the PV i told Ah Xian to check out yesterday.It's really nice.Fits the song,and doesn't it somhow reminds you of Utakata,another song by Kagrra as well.I like the lady behind the Hanya mask.I don't know why,but i think she looks prettier than the main lady somehow.

Seesh,is it me or my com's getting lil' laggy already.Aw well,guess it's also time for me to rest as well.Ok then,i go rest now.Hope i can post anytime soon =/
Hey hey.See anything special now?
Yep,i went online at this time in the morning.
Don't ask me why,i can't sleep.
Don't ask me why,coz' i don't know why as well.
Man...But tomorrow has schedules can say pretty busy.
Early morning go out,then i don't will be anywhere early coming back also.
Ah,but just now was fun.Coz'earlier on just now,went Lot 1 with Kyori after her work.
It was pretty fun,she kept laughing.Same like myself.
Ah,hope we could go out next should be fun.Really =D
Woo hoo!After next week,i'm a free man.Yahoo!Coz' O's gonna' end like within 4 days' time.
After that,really wanna' enjoy my days,then go work.Really, 've been looking forward like for month,i guess.
Woa woa,then on next friday,i guess it'll be extremely fun.
Why? Coz' we're gonna' have an overnight at Ray's house.We've kinda' have a tentative schedule for the whole day,pretty cool huh?
Ah,guess i'm gonna' do other things now.Maybe i'll post something else next week?
Ok then,i'm gonna' end this post with another music video =)

Starry Sky YEAH!Remix - capsule x daft punk x beastie boys
Well,kinda' saw this video while finding a proper video for Starry Sky but aw well,i found something good.This is cool,seriously.It blends pretty well.The whole thing.I like seriously.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Hey all again,2 times in a row.
Ah,today's pretty cooling especially now.Due to the downpour earlier on.
Pretty nice,actually.Nice to study,nice to rest,nice to sleep XP
Earlier on as well,i went to watch some CM of some singers and bands.
A few are really very funny,if you get the joke that is.
Like for example, this

It's very funny to me,coz' when Mika Nakashima was about to kiss the guy,then the two Meiji waffers interupts.Very cute,if you ask me.
Then there's another as well,

This isn't as funny as the previous one,but well,it's cute,no?In a way.I personally like Aiko.She's pretty talented,her songs are nice.Really.

Ok,this isn'ta CM,but it's funny anyways.Found this while watchin Gazette's Gem Cerey CM.

Ah yes,before i go and pass the computer to my sis,i wanna' let you guys enjoy some PV of Aiko.

Kisshug - Aiko
This is the first song i heard from her.Well,i kinda' fell in love with this song the first time i heard it.It's pretty nice,don't you think? This song is the song for Hana Yori Dango Final,if i'm not wrong.

Futari - Aiko
One of the songs featured in her album's CM.Nice isn't it?
Actually,i wanna' put 'Shiawase' in here as well.But i can't seem to find that video in youtube.But if you want,you can find it in Cruchyroll.It's under her name,so it's pretty,pretty easy to find.

Ok,i'm gonna' the com' to my sis now.So see you guys tomorrow,if i do go online that is... XP

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Hey yo~
It's been like so long since i posted something,huh?
Ok ok,my O's haven't ended yet,just taking a breather,you could say.
So i've changed my blogskin.i kind of got inspired by the song 月光, thus the moonlight theme of this blog (even though i wasn't the one who made this blog XP)
You could say, O's ending pretty soon,wif a week more or so to go.Looking forward to it.Bet you guys too,huh?
Oh yes,do check my sis's blog out.She'd just create it not so long ago,so do check it out,tag her and link her.
Before i go,i wanna' share a song with you guys.

Koishikute - UVERworld

This song had hit the J-1 hit chart on XFM 96.3 (forgot the ranking,though)
but it's a pretty nice song,if you ask me.And i'm sure you guys would like it pretty much as well.
I personally like the lyrics.And i must admitt,TAKUYA,the lead singer has a good(and high) voice.really,hope you guys will like this song and support the band =D
Ok,gotta' go now,Bye bye ^^