Saturday, November 08, 2008

Hey hey.See anything special now?
Yep,i went online at this time in the morning.
Don't ask me why,i can't sleep.
Don't ask me why,coz' i don't know why as well.
Man...But tomorrow has schedules can say pretty busy.
Early morning go out,then i don't will be anywhere early coming back also.
Ah,but just now was fun.Coz'earlier on just now,went Lot 1 with Kyori after her work.
It was pretty fun,she kept laughing.Same like myself.
Ah,hope we could go out next should be fun.Really =D
Woo hoo!After next week,i'm a free man.Yahoo!Coz' O's gonna' end like within 4 days' time.
After that,really wanna' enjoy my days,then go work.Really, 've been looking forward like for month,i guess.
Woa woa,then on next friday,i guess it'll be extremely fun.
Why? Coz' we're gonna' have an overnight at Ray's house.We've kinda' have a tentative schedule for the whole day,pretty cool huh?
Ah,guess i'm gonna' do other things now.Maybe i'll post something else next week?
Ok then,i'm gonna' end this post with another music video =)

Starry Sky YEAH!Remix - capsule x daft punk x beastie boys
Well,kinda' saw this video while finding a proper video for Starry Sky but aw well,i found something good.This is cool,seriously.It blends pretty well.The whole thing.I like seriously.

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