Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Hey all again,2 times in a row.
Ah,today's pretty cooling especially now.Due to the downpour earlier on.
Pretty nice,actually.Nice to study,nice to rest,nice to sleep XP
Earlier on as well,i went to watch some CM of some singers and bands.
A few are really very funny,if you get the joke that is.
Like for example, this

It's very funny to me,coz' when Mika Nakashima was about to kiss the guy,then the two Meiji waffers interupts.Very cute,if you ask me.
Then there's another as well,

This isn't as funny as the previous one,but well,it's cute,no?In a way.I personally like Aiko.She's pretty talented,her songs are nice.Really.

Ok,this isn'ta CM,but it's funny anyways.Found this while watchin Gazette's Gem Cerey CM.

Ah yes,before i go and pass the computer to my sis,i wanna' let you guys enjoy some PV of Aiko.

Kisshug - Aiko
This is the first song i heard from her.Well,i kinda' fell in love with this song the first time i heard it.It's pretty nice,don't you think? This song is the song for Hana Yori Dango Final,if i'm not wrong.

Futari - Aiko
One of the songs featured in her album's CM.Nice isn't it?
Actually,i wanna' put 'Shiawase' in here as well.But i can't seem to find that video in youtube.But if you want,you can find it in Cruchyroll.It's under her name,so it's pretty,pretty easy to find.

Ok,i'm gonna' the com' to my sis now.So see you guys tomorrow,if i do go online that is... XP

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