Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Hey yo~
It's been like so long since i posted something,huh?
Ok ok,my O's haven't ended yet,just taking a breather,you could say.
So i've changed my blogskin.i kind of got inspired by the song 月光, thus the moonlight theme of this blog (even though i wasn't the one who made this blog XP)
You could say, O's ending pretty soon,wif a week more or so to go.Looking forward to it.Bet you guys too,huh?
Oh yes,do check my sis's blog out.She'd just create it not so long ago,so do check it out,tag her and link her.
Before i go,i wanna' share a song with you guys.

Koishikute - UVERworld

This song had hit the J-1 hit chart on XFM 96.3 (forgot the ranking,though)
but it's a pretty nice song,if you ask me.And i'm sure you guys would like it pretty much as well.
I personally like the lyrics.And i must admitt,TAKUYA,the lead singer has a good(and high) voice.really,hope you guys will like this song and support the band =D
Ok,gotta' go now,Bye bye ^^

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