Monday, February 02, 2009

Hey all~
Past weekend,i was trying out,doing KaTHy some beauty customisation,changing her eye chip.
Well,unfortunately,i failed T_T & worst still,her eye chip fell into her head cavity =(
Ah,so just now,brought her to Dollz Inc. and had her some customisation.I think i kinda went there too much,scared i become a lil' annoying.Heeez.
Anyways,so she's still there,halfway of her 'beauty make over'.Guess she'll be cooler wif her new eye colors.You think?And pretty nice eyelashes =D

I don't know.At times,i think,i neglected Piccadilly since the arrival of KaTHy somehow.Gee,feel so bad.Ahahahaz.Man....Well,i wonder,when Autumn(newbie Friendly Freckles' name) arrives,will Piccadilly be further neglected....Guess i'll have to take care both KaTHy and Piccadilly if that happens,huh?Ahahaz...

I don't know bout' it.But,i think i wanna' get myself a Bow Wow Trad and Prima Dolly Ashletina.Well,both are really really nice.As in,it seems,Bow Wow can make Enma Ai somehow(with red eyes).And Ashletina's real real sweet.Really.You've gotta' see them,really.
Actually,previously,way before i had KaTHy,i've always wanted a Princess A la mode.But then,she's really outta' the league.As in,she's priced at least 3 time of regular dolls.And that's like crazy.Really envy those who had her.But well,not as bad as sis' case.She wanted Ultimate Tour.She almost got it.Real close(damn close).But didn't.And that time it was like half the price of now what she was...If only....Haiz.....

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