Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Hey all~
Ah,day 2 since KaTHy's out.Don't know hows the progress of the customisation.
Well,it'll turn out good,i'm sure =D
Ah~,looking forward to collecting her.Ahahaz...

Dolls (live) - Janne Da Arc
Ok,this isn't quite a new song.But then,it's one of my favorites from Janne Da Arc.Like the lyrics as well,so do try the lyrics somehow.Hahaz.By the way,do you know,the lead singer for Janne Da Arc is Acid Black Cherry.Didn't know bout' it till' quite a while ago.I like his voice,it's like very high,making most his songs hard to sing,at least to me XP

Then quite a while ago,i found this,

It was on the official site for Blythe.Well,she's cute.But then,seems to be like more expensive then Friendly Freckles.Well,afterall,she's a collabo productions with Top Shop what...Know what i mean.It seems,sis gonna' pre-order her lehz....

Ok lahz,gotta' go now,gotta help Pierre put medicine liaoz..Buh byes....

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