Sunday, February 15, 2009

hey hey all~
Ah,so how's the past Valentines to all?
Gee,well,went out to Orchard yesterday.Then to Vivo.Nice~
Well,with family and...... Kathy + Piccadilly.
Ahahaz.Nice,overall.Well,except everywhere got the fresh fresh smell,caused by flowers (i dislike the smell since young though i'm not allergic)
Well,can say,most part of the outing,i took pics of Kathy.Rarely Piccadilly.My sis n i kinda' neglected her XP
Well so,these are the few pics we took throughout the outing
Kathy's looking at the fish tank

Kathy on the journey to Vivo

Kathy and Piccadilly(at last)

Ok lahz,gotta go now.Buh Byes.

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